"Picture Jasper Tumble Stone"

Picture Jasper Tumble Stone

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In stock: 9


Picture Jasper Tumble Stone

Picture Jasper attributes: A nurturing, protective stone, bringing comfort and alleviating fear, stimulating not only the Base Chakra in providing physical and spiritual energy for the body, but also activates the Third Eye Chakra enhancing visualisation. It instils a sense of proportion and harmony, enlivening one’s creativity and initiative, and is a marvellous talisman for bringing hidden emotions to the surface for healing. Because it encourages initiative, it's particularly helpful in all business pursuits. Wear or carry this stone to inspire confidence, creative vision and practical application in starting your own business.

Please note: Crystal meanings are spiritual supports and not prescriptions/healthcare information.

Shapes and sizes of the crystals will vary as they are all unique.

(The picture shows various tumbles. Upon purchase you will receive one tumble stone from the picture, chosen at random, unless more than one is purchased)